
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Hello, again. I hope everyone's Halloweens were good and that nobody got hurt. For me, Halloween is more than just candy and dressing up. To me, its called Samhain. The whole reason why we dress up is to confuse the demons and evil spirits so that they may not take us to our demise.

And yes, that is truly the real reason. The veil between the world we see and hear and the world of the spirits and entities is thin on All Hallows Eve. Americans have just took Samhain and turned it into Halloween; the base of them is the same. Being pagan, I find the spirits to be fascinating. I probably would rather see some than try to turn them away.

I would rather try to invite them so they can feel more welcome than to make them angry by trying to banish them. Granted, there are some spirits that are not too friendly. They are the ones you must be careful around. But Samhain isn't just about the spirit veil wearing thin for that time. Its also a witches new year, where we can bring about new beginnings for the new cycles.

The link I provided really hits home with Samhain. I truly enjoy reading about the cycles of nature and all that the divine gives to us.

To sum this article up I will say that my children had a very wonderful Halloween/Samhain evening trick or treating. My daughter was a cute and sassy pirate who knows her manners well. My son was a cowardly lion and was stranger shy (for the most part.) I say cowardly because he didn't fare well with his attached lion hat. Well, I best be off because the night is approaching.

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